Robin Zabiegalski

Photo of Robin Zabiegalski
Burlington, VT
Community College Of Vermont, Northern Vermont University
LGBTQIA+ Health, Yoga, Mental Health
  • Robin was interviewed by Time Magazine for a feature on staying friends with exes.
  • Robin is a 200-hr certified yoga teacher, a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and an experienced Muay Thai practitioner. They started the first martial arts class for LGBTQIA+ teens in Vermont.
  • Robin's speculative fiction story, "The Center," was picked as a finalist in the 2018 Adelaide Literary Voices Contest.


Robin began their writing career as an Editorial Fellow for The Tempest, which was essentially a crash course in digital publishing. When Robin's fellowship was over, The Tempest asked them to stay on as the Senior Editor of the publication's Life and Love section. They worked with a team of 30 freelancers across the globe to produce, edit, and publish exceptional personal essays and op-eds.
Since moving on from The Tempest, Robin has been a freelance writer, editor, and copyeditor for major digital publications including, The Inquisitr, and Kinkly. Their work has also been published on The Establishment, Sexual Being, xoJane, The Blast, The Bolde, and The Talko.
In 2021, Robin joined the Alb Media team as a feature and interview writer for Health Map. During their time writing for Health Map, Robin interviewed several big names in the Health, Wellness, and Fitness spaces. Robin joined Glam, then Women in early 2023, focusing on informative, accessible features about wellness, healthy relationships, sex-positive sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues.


Robin has an associate degree in Business Administration from the Community College of Vermont. They self-designed their bachelor's degree in Professional Studies with a concentration in Communications from Northern Vermont University.
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Stories By Robin Zabiegalski