Meredith Cooper

Photo of Meredith Cooper
Totowa, NJ
William Paterson University Of New Jersey
Health Conditions, Food's Impact On Health, Celebrity-related Health Topics
  • One of Meredith's favorite interviews was with Emmy-award winning voice actor Rob Paulsen who spoke with her about his surviving throat cancer.
  • Meredith is a member of the National Communication Association's honor society, Lambda Pi Eta.
  • As her family and friends would tell you, when health topics come up in conversation, she usually says, "Oh, I wrote an article about that."


Meredith's career in both print and online media spans more than 20 years. Besides helping to develop (as well as writing Health & Wellness articles for) The Physicians Outlook magazine supplement, she was also the Editor-In-Chief of two print and online publications: OutlooK-12 magazine and The Hispanic Outlook on Education magazine. She joined Alb Media's Health Map in 2021 as a feature writer and has also been a feature writer for Mashed and Tasting Table, as well as a recipe ghost writer for Health Map and Mashed.


Meredith has a bachelor's degree in Communications (and graduated Summa Cum Laude) and a master's degree in English/Writing from William Paterson University.
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Stories By Meredith Cooper