Katherine Alexis Athanasiou

Photo of Katherine Alexis Athanasiou
Long Island, NY
Stony Brook University
Medicine, Healthcare, Wellness
  • Katherine is a certified physician assistant with clinical experience working in the fields of Rheumatology and Family Medicine.
  • Through writing, Katherine hopes to increase her reach in terms of educating people on both common and rare medical conditions, cutting edge treatments, and evidence-based wellness therapies.
  • Her passions of medicine and writing have come together over the years with featured publications across various Long Island newspapers, as well as in the Journal of American Academy of PAs.


Katherine's spark for writing started at a young age when her poems were featured in the local Penny Savers "Kid's Corner." From then on, she has always been able to blend her passions of writing and medicine together. Whether through providing patients with pertinent medical educational content, writing case reports on complex illnesses, or even covering local events in her beloved community, her love of writing has always been on the forefront of her life. Her writings eventually led her to winning a writing competition affiliated with the Journal of American Academy of PAs while she was a Physician Assistant student. She currently finds herself working full-time as a PA in Rheumatology while regularly writing for Health Map.


Katherine earned a Masters Degree from Stony Brook University to become a Physician Assistant.
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Trust is of the utmost importance, and in addition to our roster of highly-qualified experts, we consistently fact-check and verify all claims, as well as refresh our articles with the most current health industry updates. See our full policy page for more on our editorial process.

Stories By Katherine Alexis Athanasiou