Ciara Turner-Ewert

Photo of Ciara Turner-Ewert
Westmont College, The Travel Coach Network
Health & Wellness, Allergy-friendly Foods & Recipes, Brain Health
  • Ciara is a health and wellness writer for Health Map and a certified wellness and transformative travel coach accredited by The Travel Coach Network.
  • She's been published in various publications such as Essence, Vacayou and Well Defined, with special features showcasing her expertise in Shoutout LA and Essence.
  • When she's not writing for publications, Ciara writes for her blog, Wellness Travel Diaries, where she shares practical health and travel tips for adventurous spirits.


Ciara is a certified wellness & transformative travel coach, health & wellness writer, travel writer, and world traveler who's visited over 30 countries. While she's always loved the health and fitness scene, it took on a new meaning after graduating college with a traumatic brain injury from collegiate sports. With a B.S in Neuroscience, two years conducting research in neuroscience, and as a certified wellness travel coach, Ciara learned how to heal her body starting from within. Now she helps others find mindful ways to support their health journey and attract those high vibes they've been seeking. Ciara's expertise has led her to write for publications. Now, she's teamed up with Health Map to continue writing research-based health and wellness articles to support and uplift others in their wellness journeys. When she's not writing for publications, Ciara writes for a wellness travel blog she founded, Wellness Travel Diaries, where she shares health and wellness hacks, allergy-friendly foods and recipes, brain health tips, and inspiration for adventure travel.


Ciara graduated with a B.S. in Psychology, emphasis in Neuroscience, with a minor in Chemistry from Westmont College. She's also a certified wellness & transformative travel coach whose expertise helps others find ways to support their health and travel goals.
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Health Map’s coverage is an authoritative collaboration of editorial professionals and experts. Our goal is to keep readers informed on everything related to health and wellness, with a focus on the accuracy and integrity of our content.

Trust is of the utmost importance, and in addition to our roster of highly-qualified experts, we consistently fact-check and verify all claims, as well as refresh our articles with the most current health industry updates. See our full policy page for more on our editorial process.

Stories By Ciara Turner-Ewert