A. M. Hammond

Photo of A. M. Hammond
Brooklyn, NY
Newmark Graduate School Of Journalism, Emory University
Health & Wellness, Mental Health, Dermatology, Metabolic Health
  • A.M. Hammond is currently a part-time editor at Popular Science.
  • Their writing on physical and mental health has appeared in Psychology Today, Insider, and Levels Health, among others.
  • A.M. Hammond has been writing and teaching others to write for over a decade.


A.M. Hammond is a peripatetic freelance writer and editor from the American South, covering health, science, and sex. Their writing has appeared in numerous outlets, including Psychology Today, Insider, and Levels Health, among others. Before coming to New York for their master's in journalism, they lived, taught, and ate voraciously in Southeast Asia.


A.M. Hammond has a master's degree from the Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, where they concentrated in health and science reporting, and a bachelor's in film and media studies from Emory University in Atlanta.
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Stories By A. M. Hammond