Motherlove CEO Silencia Cox On Common Breastfeeding Challenges And How To Help - Exclusive

With the American Academy of Pediatrics' announcement of their new recommendation about breastfeeding, some parents may feel stressed given the challenges so many face. To address the most common breastfeeding challenges and in honor of National Breastfeeding Awareness Month, Health Map talked exclusively to Motherlove CEO Silencia Cox, who has been dedicated to providing resources to breastfeeding moms for decades.

First, Cox explained the updated AAP guidelines. "For the first time in 10 years, the Academy of American Pediatrics announced changes to their breastfeeding recommendations," she noted about why the change is so significant. "The AAP still recommends that you breastfeed your baby exclusively for 6 months. They've lengthened their recommendation about continued breastfeeding from one year to two years, if desired. According to the AAP, the reason for this change is due to the continued benefits of breastfeeding past 12 months."

Cox insisted that although breastfeeding offers many benefits, parents should not feel pressured into breastfeeding their baby at all, or longer than they want to, despite the updated guidelines. "Many people won't be able to nurse as long as the AAP recommends even if they aspire to do so, especially without proper societal or social support," she acknowledged. 

This is, in part, due to some of the challenges breastfeeding presents.

Help is on hand for breastfeeding challenges

We know breastfeeding benefits mom and baby in so many ways now and in the future. But that said, according to Motherlove CEO Silencia Cox, the breastfeeding journey is fraught with many bumps along the way for countless people.

"According to studies, the top two challenges faced in breastfeeding are nipple pain and perceived lack of milk supply," she shared. The good news is that these problems are solvable in many cases, with nipple pain often alleviated by switching positions or adjusting baby's latch. "If your baby is latched on deeply, their lips and mouth will be wide open (puckered, like a fish), and they will be taking in most of your areola," she explained, adding, "It can be useful to make sure your baby is well supported and lying belly-to-belly with you."

When it comes to supply, a low supply can have many causes, but again, there are ways to increase your milk, such as more frequent breastfeeding or pumping, working on proper latching and adjusting your diet to include more nutritious foods. Cox advises talking to an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) to get help with supply issues, as well as breast engorgement, milk blebs and mastitis. Herbal supplements can also help. 

Finally, remember that you're not alone!

Visit the Motherlove website to learn more about our breastfeeding products that have been helping millions of moms for decades.