What To Expect When Taking CBD

You have probably heard about CBD by now with its prevalence in the wellness space. But do you know how it can affect your body?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is a product of hemp that provides many benefits without making you feel high (via Harvard Health Publishing.) It is the second largest component in marijuana behind tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the component that can make you feel high. Most CBD products do not have any THC in them, but there are occasional traces in products that are not properly filtered. Most CBD products have less than 0.3% THC if any at all, according to Medical News Today.

CBD can be found in the forms of oil, gummies, beverages, and other items that can be consumed orally, as well as in lotions and cosmetic products (per Harvard Health Publishing). In the United States, most states have legalized CBD to a degree, according to World Population Review. This means that it is likely legal in your state, but you should consult with your local laws before trying CBD products.

Here is what to expect when you take CBD.

Benefits of CBD

Science has discovered at least 65 ways that CBD works on a molecular level within the human body, according to Project CBD. Some of the ways that CBD works are by binding with serotonin receptors, which reduces anxiety, and by interacting with ion channels to alter the perception of pain. Medical studies on the effects of CBD are ongoing, but there have been discoveries indicating that CBD may interact with certain nuclear receptors to positively impact the treatment of cancers and diabetes.

The benefits of CBD are numerous and include easing anxiety, pain relief, and providing a better night's sleep (via Healthline). CBD oil and products are often used in pain management for those who have chronic pain, including patients undergoing treatment for cancer. For people who experience insomnia and other sleep issues, CBD can be a beneficial tool for being able to get a good night's rest. Since CBD affects serotonin and results in feeling calm and relaxed, it can be a good option for people who experience stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm (via MBG Health). Because research into how CBD works in the body is still in progress and both scientists and medical professionals are continuing to explore the benefits of CBD, there could be many more positive functions that we have yet to learn about.

Side effects of CBD

CBD is generally tolerated by most people, but there are side effects that you should be aware of before consuming products containing CBD. Side effects include dry mouth, drowsiness, diarrhea, and potentially reduced appetite, according to Mayo Clinic. CBD can also cause fatigue and drowsiness, so don't drive or operate dangerous machinery until you know how it affects you. It is unknown how long CBD stays in your system.

Other side effects of CBD that can occur are lightheadedness and low blood pressure, reports WebMD. There are still questions about whether or not CBD is safe to take when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, and about the safety of CBD taken by children. CBD may also make the symptoms of Parkinson's Disease worse and a prescription form of CBD called Epidiolex has been found to cause injury to the liver when taken in high doses.

It is always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider before adding CBD supplements to your daily regimen.