Can You Take Too Many Antacids?

It's not uncommon to reach for a bottle of antacids when you feel the first pang of heartburn. Healthline explains that these drugs work by treating the symptoms caused by too much acid your stomach produces as the result of indigestion or symptoms associated with acid reflux. According to Medical News Today, most over-the-counter antacid brands include either calcium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, or magnesium trisilicate as their active ingredient. It's these ingredients that work together to neutralize stomach acid.

Most people can take antacids without problems. However, just like any other kind of drug, you can take too many of them. In fact, taking too many every day for days on end can lead to other health problems. If you find that you need to take antacids at least twice a week, you might want to talk with your doctor about an underlying condition that could be causing you discomfort, as well as better options for treatment of heartburn, per Medical News Today.

Symptoms of taking too many antacids

Side effects of taking too many antacids because you're taking them too often range from moderate to severe. According to Prevention, constipation is a common side effect of overusing antacids containing calcium and aluminum. If this happens to you, it is best to try another type of medication, as the problem will probably persist as long as you continue to use the antacids. You may also experience more muscle twitches due to the electrolyte imbalance produced by the antacids. Healthline notes that too much calcium may also cause nausea and vomiting.

One of the more serious side effects of taking too many antacids is an increased risk of kidney stones. Prevention explains that the calcium in antacids could also lead to an increase in calcium in urine that may result in kidney stones. Osteoporosis is another concerning side effect. The aluminum in antacids weakens bones, and it also removes calcium and salt that the body needs to keep bones strong.