The Workout Plan That Keeps Gwyneth Paltrow So Fit

Gwyneth Paltrow has long been the queen of working out. And we wouldn't expect anything less from the actor who also heads up ground-breaking (and sometimes controversial) wellness site Goop on top of being a mom to two kids.

So, what's her secret to staying motivated and keeping fit? "I'm a total die-hard Tracy Anderson fan," she told Shape. "Her method works so well for me. I've seen all these fads come and go, and nothing works for me the way that Tracy's approach does, so I really stick with it. She's amazing," she continued. 

In fact, Gwyneth Paltrow loves the Tracy Anderson Method so much that she not only heads to her classes in person but joins her virtual classes when she's not able to make it in. "I stream her whenever I can when I'm in New York, and when I'm in California, I try to go to her classes five days a week for an hour," she admitted, adding, "But now I'm so busy with my company, that I only do it three or four times a week."

What is the Tracy Anderson Method loved by Gwyneth Paltrow?

As Tracy Anderson told Women's Health, the Tracy Anderson Method is a workout consisting of "a series of movements, sequenced in a specific order." She explained, "This is based on 20 years of studying how to design bodies that are balanced," adding, "I create movements that create balance." Many refer to it like a super sweaty dance class designed to get your bod seriously taut and toned (Tracy Anderson is a former dancer, after all).

Part of the method is the expectation that workouts are completed six to seven times per week. "I believe that we should connect to our physical selves seven days a week — but in what form? That depends. Do I believe we should be doing an hour of cardio seven days a week? No. I don't. I do my muscular structure program — if I don't have bronchitis — seven days a week," she told Women's Health. If you think it sounds intense, that's because it is. 

You didn't expect Gwyneth Paltrow to be as fit as she did simply by walking 10,000 steps a day, did you?