A Nutritionist Shares 3 Supplements To Consider Adding To Your Daily Routine

21st-century self-care can feel like a full-time job. If you are taking your health and wellness seriously, then you might — in addition to whatever your busy work life looks like — try to fit in physical activity, healthy diet, outdoor time, and a social life into the remaining hours of the day. Sometimes we don't have time to get it all done, so we compromise. But the area where you don't have to compromise is a healthy diet.

Vitamins and supplements are often available in the amounts that humans need in food — except vitamin D — but maintaining a correct diet can be difficult if you live a busy life (via Healthline). Even if you don't have time to make or buy a super healthy lunch, you can take daily vitamins and supplements that can help you get the minerals and healthy foods that you need. A recent Health Map survey discovered what brand of vitamin and supplement subscription box people would like to try in order to get their daily dose of vitamins. You might wonder which vitamins and supplements you should take every day. In an exclusive interview with Health Map, Jamie Feit, MS, RD, and owner of Jamie Feit Nutrition, LLC breaks down which 3 daily supplements you should incorporate into your routine and why. Here's everything you need to know.

Are you taking these 3 daily supplements?

According to Feit, the 3 daily supplements that you should be taking are vitamin D, probiotics, and mushroom supplements. "Our body can synthesize [vitamin] D from the sun but it's especially difficult in winter months," says Feit. "The winter season is also cold and flu season so basically everyone can benefit from vitamin D supplementation." Plus vitamin D helps support bone health and regulation of the immune system. Notably, you need to take vitamin D with dietary fats in order to properly absorb it.

Next on Feit's list are probiotics. "Probiotics are basically 'live good' bacteria," says Feit. "By ingesting probiotics, you are adding beneficial bacteria to your gastrointestinal tract. The more good bacteria present the healthier the gut microbiome is." Probiotics help boost your gut health, but be sure to take a probiotic supplement that contains a diversity of strains for the best results.

Finally, Feit recommends mushroom supplements. "Mushrooms are beneficial for us as they contain antioxidants, polyphenols, digestive enzymes, and much more," says Feit. "They are a nutrition superfood; other cultures have been using them for centuries for healing and well-being." In addition to being antibacterial and antiviral, mushrooms may increase immune function, improve cognitive function, improve energy, and mood. Feit recommends that you get a supplement that comes from extract — not powders — that contains all 6 beneficial mushrooms: lion's mane, turkey tail, chaga, cordyceps, reishi, and maitake/shiitake.

Check out Jamie Feit's website to keep up with her latest content.