Health Map Survey: When Is Most People's Favorite Time Of Day To Work Out?

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that adults should strive to get 2.5 hours of moderate-intensity exercise on a weekly basis. As you sprinkle in chunks of physical activity throughout the week, you may find that you prefer working out at certain times of the day more than others. Some may find that getting up and at 'em first thing in the morning best fits their schedule, while others may enjoy wrapping up their day with a sweat sesh. However, when it comes to exercise, research around what time of day offers us the most health benefits is somewhat mixed, reports Healthline.

Experts who support morning workouts state that the boost in heart rate and body temperature we experience during physical activity could interfere with our quality of sleep if done too late in the day (via Healthline). On the other hand, proponents of working out later say that our body temperature is at its peak during the mid-afternoon to early evening hours, therefore priming our body for optimal performance. All things considered, however, one's favorite time of day to work out may simply boil down to personal preference. For this reason, we asked 612 readers of Health Map when during the day they most prefer to get in a workout.

Morning versus afternoon workouts

28 respondents reported that nighttime was their favorite time of day to exercise. However this answer choice received the least amount of selections, making up only 4.58% of total survey responses. With 97 votes, midday came in second-to-last place as people's preferred time of day to work out, which accounted for 15.85% of total answer responses. Responsible for 19.44% of the total answer responses was evening in third place with 119 votes. However, the top two answer choices amongst respondents were the afternoon and the early hours of the morning as their preferred workout time. With 136 answer selections, 22.22% of survey respondents reported the afternoon as their favorite time of day to work out. In first place, however, was early morning with 232 votes. This answer selection accounted for nearly 38% of total responses.

Regardless of what time of day you choose to get in some exercise, experts say that any time of day is better than none at all. Keeping your workout time consistent is also key, when possible. McMaster University neuroscientist Dr. Jennifer Heisz elaborates, telling WebMD, "exercising at a consistent time every day helps regulate the body's circadian rhythms." What time is best, however, will vary from person to person. All in all, whatever time of day is most compatible with your lifestyle will be the best choice for you.