How Much Screen Time Do People Typically Get Every Day? - Health Map Survey

Research shows that screen time has the potential to impact every facet of our health. In fact, a scientific review published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) saw a strong correlation between screen time and an increased risk for various health conditions, such as obesity and depression, as well as reported decreases in quality of life for children and teens. For adults, excessive screen time has been linked to insomnia, headaches, addiction to social media, and health issues related to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle, reports Scripps Health.

While there has been some debate amongst the scientific community as to how much screen time we should limit ourselves to, experts seem to agree that it's important to take steps to minimize its potential impact on our health. For example, Scripps Health suggests taking periodic breaks to look away from screens about every 20 minutes, hourly standing or stretching throughout the day, and putting away electronic devices roughly an hour before going to sleep. So how much screen time are people indulging in on a daily basis? To find out, we asked 612 readers of Health Map to report how many hours a day they spend looking at screens. Between five different answer choices, responses ranged from a matter of minutes to well over five hours. 42 respondents reported spending less than one hour a day dedicated to screen time. This answer made up 6.86% of the total answers and was the response with the least amount of selections.

Most people get two to three hours of daily screen time

Answers increased significantly after that, with 107 individuals stating they spend between three and five hours looking at screens daily. This answer selection accounted for 17.48% of total responses. In third place, 150 survey respondents reported their daily screen time tallied up to more than five hours per day. This answer was responsible for 24.51% of total responses. The top two answers were one to two hours of screen time each day and two to three hours. The race was nearly neck and neck, but with just one more vote, 157 people reported getting between two and three hours of daily screen time, compared to 156 votes for one to two hours.

For those looking to reduce their time spent on electronic devices, Scripps Health offers a few strategies to keep screen time to a minimum. For example, try to refrain from eating in front of the TV or computer, where we're likely to eat more than we normally would. Additionally, many smartphones come with features that enable users to monitor their screen time. Consider turning on social media timers, which will alert you when you've reached your allotted screen time for the day. Similarly, set alarms for designated break times. Lastly, try to be mindful of how you feel. If you notice neck or back pain developing or feelings of fatigue setting in, it may be time to give your phone or tablet a rest for the day.