What Scott Jurek Eats The Morning Of A Big Race - Exclusive

What does an ultramarathon runner eat the morning of a big race? That's what we were wondering, and now Scott Jurek gave Health Map the answer. The running legend has made his way through the sport with a myriad of accolades that push your body to its physical and mental limits. As a 153-mile Spartathlon winner, Jurek has spent more hours than we can guess on the pavement with his record-breaking times and mileage. With that much devoted time and effort into running, how on earth does the book author stay fueled?

During an exclusive interview with Health Map, Jurek revealed his eating habits from the night before a race to his post-marathon meals. Being a plant-based eater, the 2015 Appalachian Trail speed record holder consumes mostly whole grains, raw vegetables, and white rice the previous night. Jurek explained that he picks foods that are easy to digest such as tofu, steamed broccoli, or kale. The morning is all about finding what works for you.

Jurek reaches for oatmeal or a smoothie

Scott Jurek told Health Map that what he eats the morning of an important race depends on how early he has to wake up. He said, "I like to get a good solid breakfast in. If it's a race that I have two to three hours before from the time waking up to the race, it might be oatmeal, it's definitely carbohydrate-rich or mostly carbohydrates." If Jurek is particularly on a time crunch with an early start, he will opt for a smoothie because "liquids will be more readily absorbed than a solid food or a sandwich."

The running mentor enjoys a plant-based yogurt or smoothie on the days he has to wake up at 3:30 a.m. Jurek continued, "This is where I would recommend to readers that they play with things on their long training runs and see what kind of things they can eat, roughly how close to an event." Focusing on electrolytes and water before the event is also key to keeping your energy up. Long story short: Don't do what Michael Scott did by grabbing some fettuccine alfredo minutes before a race.

While running, Jurek reaches for energy gels or Clif bars. If he is completing one of his intense ultramarathons, then the athlete will prioritize solid food. Post-marathon, Jurek enjoys a JUST Egg breakfast sandwich that he pops into the toaster. To all of the runners out there, figure out which foods will set you up for success. Everybody is not one and the same! 

Head to JUST Egg's website to learn more about its products. Keep up with Scott Jurek's running career on his Instagram page.