Nancy Schimelpfening

Photo of Nancy Schimelpfening
San Antonio, TX
University Of Charleston, Old Dominion University
Depression, Nutrition, Community Health Education
  • In her spare time, Nancy can often be found working on her non-profit site, Depression Sanctuary.
  • She enjoys walking and tries to get in at least 10,000 steps daily.
  • Her current goal is to live her life completely free of added sugar.


Nancy has been a professional writer in the health and wellness space for over 25 years. Her work has appeared in multiple online publications, including Health Map, Healthline, Verywell Mind, and mindbodygreen. During her career, she has also been heavily involved in creating and guiding support communities for those with depression. In 2016, she founded a non-profit organization called Depression Sanctuary which provides free information and chat rooms to those with depression and other mental illnesses. She has been a writer and editor with Alb Media since 2022.


Nancy graduated from the University of Charleston with a bachelor's in biology as well as obtaining a master's in community health education from Old Dominion University.
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Stories By Nancy Schimelpfening