Anthony Crutcher

Photo of Anthony Crutcher
University Of Central Florida
Health & Wellness, Fitness, Nutrition
  • Anthony has been a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist since 2018.
  • He also writes and is the author of the children's books, Have You Seen My Ghost? and My Ghost Goes Shopping Too?
  • He enjoys everything fitness from Triathlons to Strongman Training.


Anthony is a freelance writer who has been writing for most of his life. He has blogged consistently since 2018 about comics, movies, food, fitness, and theme parks on He writes for multiple health and wellness companies and has ghostwritten numerous other projects including two fitness books for seniors. He also writes fiction and has published books in 2021 and 2022. Anthony enjoys drinking cold brew coffee, reading comic books, and watching movies when he's not exercising or writing.


Anthony earned a bachelor's degree in English and is a Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist.
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Stories By Anthony Crutcher