Monistat Brand Ambassador And OB/GYN Dr. Shirazian On Vaginal Steaming Alternatives - Exclusive

Watching Season 1 of "The Kardashians" on Hulu yields many interesting revelations, including that Kourtney is a big fan of the practice of vaginal steaming. Indeed, this trend seems to be everywhere, from reality shows to TikTok. You can find a variety of tips about the practice on the content creation platform — and hey, Kourtney Kardashian is doing it, so steaming this part of the body must be a good idea, right?

Not necessarily, according to Dr. Taraneh Shirazian, an OB/GYN and Monistat Brand Ambassador. Health Map talked exclusively to the New York City-based physician who told us that in general myths about vaginal health abound on TikTok. When it comes to getting a facial down there, you may want to dig a little deeper before following the advice of a cool or funny video (or a reality star).

Instead, Shirazian shared sound medical guidance about vaginal health best practices.

Vaginal steaming might do more harm than good

Dr. Taraneh Shirazian told Health Map that she is a believer in patient education, advocacy and access to both accurate health information and products. "In my role as a brand ambassador for Monistat, I hope to educate women on their vaginal health, and expand the conversation around needed care for women," she said.

To that end, she notes that TikTok is in no short supply of vaginal health myth content that she has personally come across. "'Vaginal cleansing' and steaming seems to be a popular trend," Shirazian observed, but added, "There's no evidence that this works, and it may in fact precipitate vaginal infections."

How can people decipher between fact and fiction on TikTok when it comes vaginal health tips? "It can be difficult if it's an independent post," she said. "To determine if something you see online is accurate, I would recommend cross checking any information you come across with a health resource like a health magazine or website or ask your healthcare provider."

Talk to your doctor, not TikTok

Instead of following the advice of TikTok and trying that vaginal steam you've been wondering about, Dr. Taraneh Shirazian offers some practical advice for maintaining vaginal health and avoiding infections.

"Change out of underwear and clothing quickly after sweating, minimize high-sugar foods, and eat well," she says. "Vaginal health comes from the inside out. If you think you have an infection like yeast, it's best to treat it early and completely so that it doesn't linger."

Her best tip if you do end up suffering from one: "I suggest using an OTC treatment such as Monistat to effectively clear a yeast infection." If you experience vaginal itching, burning, pain, or discharge — you want to look out for the green or yellow variety with an odor — these are "warning signs that you have an infection," according to Shirazian. "If you notice any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor," she stresses.

To learn more about vaginal health and how to tell fact from fiction when it comes to your wellness, check out for additional information.