Three Simple Hacks To Support Your Child's Immunity

Every parent hates to see their child get sick. Thus, their priority is to keep their little ones safe from infectious diseases. The best way to prevent your child from illnesses is to boost their immune system. According to research by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) reported about 2.6% of kids are "immunocompromised" — meaning, they have a weak immune system, and are unable to fight off disease. 

It's possible for kids to develop poor immune systems due to a variety of factors, including HIV, various chronic illnesses like diabetes, reactions to certain medication, nutritional deficiencies, and organ damage, explains Verywell Health. Still, one thing remains certain. Generally, children's immune systems — particularly infants' — are a whole lot stronger than those of adults, and are actually well prepared to fight against new infections (via Columbia University Irving Medical Center). Nevertheless, as a parent, there's a lot you can do to ensure your child's immune system stays strong against foreign diseases.

How can you support your child's immune system?

For starters, the easiest way to boost your children's immune system is to eat healthier. Charles Benbrook, who works at the Washington State University's Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources, tells NPR that organic foods are significantly higher in antioxidants, carrying 20 to 40% more than non-organic items. These powerful antioxidant compounds help boost your immunity and nullify the free radicals that may otherwise lead to health complications, per Harvard Health Publishing.

Aside from consuming fruits and veggies, physical activity also plays a critical role in making your child immune to diseases. A 2016 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports collected data from 55 children, all aged 5 years old, with autoimmune disorders. Experts found that those who were more outdoorsy showed a powerful boost in internal immunity and a significant change against inflammation. However, to keep your kids' immune system healthy indoors, you may want to be mindful of detergents, cleaning products, and aerosol items used in your home. After all, board-certified pediatrician, Dr. Joel Warsh, warned in an interview with Mind Body Green that some household products can do more harm than good to a child's immunity.