If You Have Bad Gas, It Could Be A Sign Of This

Farting can be a stinky business. But passing gas is a normal human activity and no reason for concern. In fact, according to the NHS, the average person farts between 5 and fifteen times a day. When farts smell, it's because a particular food you ate had a hard time digesting, and that's typical. But if passing wind becomes excessive, and particularly if it is accompanied by other health conditions, you may need a trip to the doctor.

If you have persistent bad gas and you also have a bloated stomach, recurrent diarrhea or constipation, have lost weight without intending to, or have blood present in your stools, it may be time to get yourself checked out (via NHS). Excessive farting can be a sign that you have coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, or lactose intolerance, all of which can be treated by medications and changes in diet, as directed by a qualified physician.

How do I reduce the amount of gas I pass?

Once you have ruled out that your excessive flatulence is not a sign of an underlying condition, there are several things you can do to relieve that uncomfortable condition. According to the Cleveland Clinic, farting is caused by gas buildup in the digestive system. By changing your diet and how you eat, you may be able to considerably reduce the amount of gas that you build up on a daily basis.

Cutting down on dairy products (especially if you're lactose intolerant) and cruciferous vegetables, like cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, may help thwart gas buildup (via Cleveland Clinic). Eating smaller portions more frequently throughout the day, and chewing your food for longer periods of time will ease the burden on your digestive tract and may help prevent the buildup of gas that leads to excessive farting (per NHS).