Survey Reveals People's Go-To Cheat Meals

If you indulge in a weekly cheat meal, or your current nutrition plan allows for an occasional guilty pleasure, chances are you have excitedly planned that meal well in advance. As you are savoring every delicious bite of your chosen treat, do you ever find yourself wondering... what do other people choose as their cheat meals? This is something Health Map took interest in and conducted a good old fashioned survey of 527 Americans, of which 37.19 percent agreed... pizza is the supreme cheat meal.

Pizza, in all its doughy goodness, is such a versatile meal that it can be topped with nearly any food you enjoy — yes, even pineapple. It's not surprising this was the top choice for most chosen cheat meals, and wherever you may be in America, rest assured you can always find a great slice of pizza

Coming in at a close second cheat meal choice is a classic American dish that many can appreciate... a burger with a side of fries.

Some picks may surprise you

The thought of a juicy burger topped with lettuce, cheese, tomato, and onion, paired with a side of fries, is the perfect cheat meal for 31.88 percent of our respondents. Whether you hit up a fast food place, local mom and pop restaurant, or even a family barbecue, it seems a good burger is always a crowd pleaser.

The remainder of our poll showed that 11.39 percent would pick pasta as a cheat meal, 7.78 percent would take tacos, and 6.64 percent prefer to nosh on nachos. Respondents had the opportunity to write in their own favorites, and 5.11 percent did just that. Some wanted chicken, like buffalo wings, chicken tenders, orange chicken chow mein, and even a request for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Others wanted fish, two specifically suggesting "sushi," and five super will-powered people preferred no cheat meal at all. Interestingly, there are folks who do not know what a cheat meal is, as one of our 527 participants answered, "What's a cheat meal?"

Whether you have one favorite go-to cheat, or you choose to switch it up each time, enjoy your tasty treat knowing that many others are too.