Bachelorette Andi Dorfman's Smart Tips On How To Start Running For Cardio - Exclusive

Andi Dorfman has been on quite the journey since she starred as the Bachelorette on the 10th season of the show in 2014. After the finale of her season, she walked off engaged to Josh Murray, only to break it off with him nine months later. If you want to know more about the dramatic story, you can read all about it in her tell-all book, "It's Not Okay: Turning Heartbreak into Happily Never After." 

Dorfman never gave up on her happily-ever-after ending, and she has finally met the man of her dreams — her new fiancé, Blaine Hart. In an exclusive interview with Health Map, Andi Dorfman opens up about how the two of them have been training together for the upcoming NYC Half Marathon. She also talks about how she got into running and shares tips for how you can add running to your personal cardio routine.

How Andi started running

When it comes to running a marathon, Andi Dorfman wasn't a likely candidate. In fact, growing up, she didn't really care for it. Of all the kids in gym class, she would have been chosen as least likely to get into running. "I was never a runner growing up. I played tennis, and I remember I used to fake injuries to get out of the running portion of the conditioning. People will laugh — my family — that I'm a runner now," Dorfman says.

Dorfman originally started running as a way to explore New York City when she first moved there. "It became a cool way for me to see the city by foot, which is so much different than driving around," she explains. She also found running an accessible way to get in a workout while traveling. When she would visit a new place, instead of throwing down $35 to attend a workout class or get into a gym, she would pack her running shoes and hit the streets for exercise. Of course, she also experienced the advantages of running, both physically and mentally, and just felt healthier overall, which inspired her to stick with it. 

Andi's tips for becoming a runner

One of Andi Dorfman's running resources is something she created herself — a running app called Andorfins. The app provides different running programs that help make running feel attainable and fun. "It's a nice way for people that are intimidated by running — which I myself was," shares Dorfman. It's being redeveloped right now, so be on the lookout for it this summer when it's rereleased.  

And it might sound cliché, but Dorfman's number-one tip for how to start running is to simply go one step at a time. The first time you go out for a run, you shouldn't expect yourself to do a fast three miles. Dorfman recommends starting small — maybe just with a walk-run — anything to get your body moving. According to Dorfman, the most important thing is taking that first step without being worried about what you look like or what other people might think. 

Wherever you can start is great, and just remember that you will build up to your goals. "That's the beauty with running. You will get better and you do build up to certain milestones, and it will make you feel empowered once you reach those milestones," says Dorfman.

You can catch Andi Dorfman at the 2023 United Airlines NYC Half Marathon on March 19, presented by New York Road Runners.