What To Expect After A Hip Replacement, According To An Orthopedic Surgeon

Hip replacement surgery can be a viable treatment method for those whose hip pain hinders their day-to-day activity, according to the Mayo Clinic. For some, this can be brought on by a health condition such as arthritis or osteoporosis. The procedure involves replacing the impaired portions of one's hip joint with an artificial joint often made of hard plastic, metal, and ceramic materials.

To get a better idea of what's involved in hip replacement surgery and what we can expect in the aftermath of the procedure, Health Map spoke with Dr. Daniel T. Kuesis, board-certified orthopedic hip and knee surgeon, CORE Orthopedics and Same Day Hip and Knee Surgery. He begins by explaining how hip replacement surgery can enhance a patient's quality of life. "Hip replacement surgery is one of the most common orthopedic procedures performed each year, and while it's true that no one likes going under the knife, the procedure's high success rate has helped millions of people live a happier, more comfortable life," Dr. Kuesis states.

What patients can expect during the recovery process

Dr. Kuesis goes on to tell Health Map how he goes about conducting hip replacement surgery. "For many of my patients, I use a direct anterior approach for hip replacement surgery," he states. "The incision is in the front of the leg/hip to avoid cutting nearby muscles and tendons. Patients have less pain, recover quicker, and have fewer motion restrictions," Dr. Kuesis explains.

Concluding the interview, Dr. Kuesis shares what patients can expect during the recovery phase following hip replacement surgery. "I specialize in minimally invasive total hip replacement surgeries, almost all patients go home walking the same day as their surgery," he says. "They recover faster in their home with less exposure to other patients, eating their own food, and sleeping in their own bed," he states. Dr. Kuesis further explains that patients can also expect some degree of follow-up care after hip replacement surgery. "Physical therapists come to the house for the first 2 weeks, then patients attend outpatient for about a total of 6-8 weeks," he states. "Most patients return to their ideal lifestyle within 4-8 weeks."

To learn more about Dr. Kuesis or to schedule an appointment, visit his webpage at CORE Orthopedics & Sports Medicine.